• Virtual Machines as Work Units Prototype

    About three months ago I created a quick prototype to demonstrate virtual machines as work units. It was designed with a specific virtual machine monitor and base image. Applications were reduced to a single executable file, single data file, and single output file. All this content was stored within a single virtual machine disk image including the operating system.
  • Marshall - An Intranet Documentation System

    Marshall, is an intranet documentation system that is being developed by Jason Maddocks, Matt White, Andy Goh, and myself. This system is being developed for AeroIT as part of our final year industry project at Monash University for the Bachelor of Software Engineering.
  • Auto-Saving AJAX Forms in Ruby on Rails

    Due to the nature of Marshall (Intranet Documentation System), when users are editing documents they are often required to type quite a bit of information in to the document forms. If for any reason if they lost there current document window and lost any changes to the form they would be quiet upset.